HDU-2609 How many

How many(HDU-2609) 题面 Give you n ( n < 10000) necklaces ,the length of necklace will not large than 100,tell me How many kinds of necklaces total have.(if two necklaces can equal by rotating ,we say the two necklaces are some). For example 0110 express a necklace, you can rotate it. 0110 -> 1100 -> 1001 -> 0011-> 0110. 输入 The input contains multiple test cases. Each test case include: first one integers n. (2<=n<=10000) Next n lines follow. Each line has a equal length character string. (string only include ‘0’,‘1’). ...

2020-08-04 · Lordash

HDU-3374 String Problem

String Problem(HDU-3374) 题面 Give you a string with length N, you can generate N strings by left shifts. For example let consider the string “SKYLONG”, we can generate seven strings: String Rank SKYLONG 1 KYLONGS 2 YLONGSK 3 LONGSKY 4 ONGSKYL 5 NGSKYLO 6 GSKYLON 7 and lexicographically first of them is GSKYLON, lexicographically last is YLONGSK, both of them appear only once. Your task is easy, calculate the lexicographically fisrt string’s Rank (if there are multiple answers, choose the smallest one), its times, lexicographically last string’s Rank (if there are multiple answers, choose the smallest one), and its times also. ...

2020-08-04 · Lordash


简介 最小表示法,求所有与某个字符串循环同构的字符串中,字典序最小的那个。比如说一个字符串lordash,它长度为7,也就是说最多有七种循环同构的方法。 ...

2020-08-04 · Lordash