HDU-3404 Switch lights
Switch lights(HDU-3404) 题面 lxhgww is playing a game with his computer Deep Blue. The game is played on a matrix containing lights. At first, some lights are on, while others are off. lxhgww and Deep Blue take turns to switch the lights. For each step, the player should choose a rectangle in the matrix: (x1 , y1) , (x1 , y2) , (x2 , y1) , (x2 , y2) , (x1<=x2,y1<=y2, the light at (x2, y2) should be on) and change the lights’ status on the four vertex of the rectangle, namely on to off, and off to on. The player turns all the lights off wins the game. Notice the rectangle is possibly degenerated to line or even a single cell so that the player may also switch two or one besides four lights in a move. Deep Blue’s strategy is perfect, if it has a chance to win, never will it lose. Does lxhgww have a chance to win if he takes the first step? ...